To ensure our remote learning days are what we envisioned for our students and are adaptive to our ever-changing needs, Maercker D60 is seeking your feedback on how remote learning days are for you and your child. Parens, check your email to find the survey form and take a few minutes to share your thoughts!
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Share your thoughts
This week is National Assistant Principals Week! We are grateful to our amazing assistant principals who do so much for our schools every day and play such a crucial role in our district. Thank you Assistant Principals! #d60learns
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Thank you assistant Principals!
Second grade students are preparing to go on a field trip soon to the Field Museum, so they read a silly story about dinosaurs at school! They recreated their own version by practicing their typing skills to tell a creative story about what they think the dinosaurs would do in our school if they were let free! #d60learn
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Dinosaur book project
Second graders at Holmes Elementary School had a visit from teachers from Willowbrook Wildlife Center, a division of DuPage Forest Preserve. They learned about owls and how they are designed to survive as well as learned about camouflage, feathers, claws, and even got to dissect an owl pellet. Thank you to the Willowbrook Wildlife Center and DuPage Forest Preserve for an awesome experience! #d60learns
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Owl activity
Owl activity
Owl Activity
Owl Activity
Owl activity
Westview’s STEM Club competes each year against local middle schools in an engineering competition and has been competing for the last six years in Illinois Water Works Association’s annual Model Water Tower Competition. Students work during club time to design, create, test, and improve a model of a water tower that meets the criteria and constraints of the design challenge, including having a creative design theme. The Westview club had 11 models out of 60 entered in the competition and sixth grader Kayan Noufal’s “Chocolate Bar” model took first place! #d60learns
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Holmes First Grade Teacher Lisa Pantaleon recently connected with a couple of her students at one of their weekend basketball games! We love seeing connections that happen outside of the classroom. #d60learns
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Teacher with students at basketball
The Maercker D60 website is officially live! There is a button on the homepage for most things you are looking for, including a page called "Help Me Find" that provides a guide to finding important information.
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Maercker website
We are excited to be able to congratulate Westview Hills Middle School Teacher and Basketball Coach Tim Strezo on being nominated for the IBCA coach of the year! He will be honored at the annual Coach of the Year Luncheon at Redbird Arena at Illinois State University on Saturday, May 4. Way to go, coach!
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Coach Strezo with the team
To all members of the Maercker D60 Community who celebrate, happy Holi!
10 months ago, D60 Communications
Happy Hoi!
To all members of the Maercker D60 community who celebrate, happy Purim!
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Maercker D60 Community, the district website will briefly be down this afternoon as we transition to our new site! If you need to access Skyward during this time, please use the direct link:
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Holmes was able to have 11 different virtual authors meet with classrooms all day on World Read Aloud day to listen to their stories, and what inspired them to become authors. Students were able to ask questions and talk with the authors in each of the virtual sessions. We were so lucky to kick off the day with the illustrator of the March Madness winner from last year all the way from Switzerland who joined all the Holmes classes at once to read to us, and do a directed drawing together! #d60learns
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Virtual Author visit
Virtual author visit
Spring Break is next week! There will be no school and district offices will be closed from March 25 through March 29. Enjoy the break and we will see you back in April ready to learn! #d60learns
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Spring break March 25-29
Early Childhood students at Holmes love to go to the library once a week for story time and to do an activity. This week, students listened to the story Dandy to celebrate spring coming, and had a lot of fun painting a lion with forks! #d60learns @D60HolmesTech
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Holmes School is celebrating March Madness with a friendly competition of books! Teachers have read stories aloud for students, and each day hundreds of votes are cast to move the best book forward! Who will win the 2024 March Madness Championship? #d60learns
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Book march madness
Coming soon: The Maercker D60 website is getting a facelift with a brand new platform! We’ll have a lot more information coming soon, but here’s a sneak peek!
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Sneak peek
Last night's 123 Andrés performance was so fun! Our students went all out to welcome our special guests!
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Welcoming Andrés  and Christina
Welcoming Andrés  and Christina
Cooperative learning is a great way for students at Westview Hills to learn how to collaborate, communicate, and grow as learners! #d60learns
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Students working together
Students working together
Students working together
The D60 Board of Education will be meeting on Tuesday, March 19 at Westview Hills Middle School. Tune into the livestream!
11 months ago, D60 Communications
Are you ready for some amazing music? Don’t miss Grammy-award winning group 123 Andrés on Monday, March 18 at Holmes School! Join BPAC for their meeting at 6 p.m. with the concert starting at 6:30 p.m.
11 months ago, D60 Communications
123 andres
123 andres